Please contact us if you wish to have a link added to these pages or if you find links that need updating. Thanks!

Fibre Events:          

See our Calendar!
We try to keep our calendar up-to-date with fibre events that will interest our members. If you are participating in an event, or hear about one in the general area, please let us know so we can add it to the calendar!

Weaving/Spinning/Felting Fibre/Yarn/Supply Sources:

Link to our list  Weaving/Spinning/Felting Fibre/Yarn/Supply Sources


Link to our list of local farmers producing fibre: Local Fibre Producers Contact List

Fibre Guilds and Associations

Link to our list of: Guilds and Associations

Online (How-to) Resources

Link to a page of curated web resources to help with your journey learning about fibre arts! This is a place to share resources you have found useful, or perhaps you have created! Online (how-to) Resources