March 16-18, 2018. Lions Club Salt Spring Island. Taught by Gayle Vallance. The workshop fill familiarize you with the various bast fibres availalbe to spinners today, including spinning methods, dye processes.
Workshop cost approx $120.00. A materials fee of $25 is payable to the instructor.
To reserve a place in the workshop, send a $50.00 non-refundable deposit to Mary Paddon, 115 Marina Crescent, V8K2R2. Should you not be able to attend, you can have someone else take your place. Every effort will be made to fill your spot from a waiting list; and if successful, your money will be refunded. Cheque should be made out to the Salt Spring Island Weavers and Spinners Guild.
Bast Fibre Spinning Workshop (Salt Spring Island)