Our speaker will be Vanessa Bjerreskov on the topic of  Yarn Construction for Fibre Artists

What makes certain yarns better for certain projects? Why do a perfectly lovely yarn and a great pattern sometimes just not work out? Yarn construction impacts the suitable end use of a yarn. When you are attempting to figure out a pattern for stash yarn, or trying to find yarn for a pattern, it’s important to know how yarn construction factors interact so you can make an informed decision. Join Vanessa Bjerreskov (Master Spin- ner graduate 2017) for an informative talk about six aspects of yarn construction that can make the difference be- tween a project that fulfils all your hopes and dreams and one that ends up tossed in a corner in frustration.

This program will be by Zoom only.

February Guild Meeting – Vanessa Bjerreskov – Feb 21, 7pm