Join in to share your skills and meet other members. Bring your spinning, knitting, baskets to work on. Bring your questions – we will all pitch in to help you answer them. This month a focus on DYEing – bring your samples,
Willow Weaving I
Saturday, March 24, 2018 – 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Number of students: minimum 3, maximum 8 Join Johanne Byskov in a one-day workshop where you learn to weave with willow to create a small basket. This is a great course
Willow Weaving 2
May 26 and 27, 2018 Saturday and Sunday – 10:00am to 3:30 pm Number of Students: minimum 3, maximum 10 For those who have completed Willow Weaving I or who have some experience with basket weaving, Johanne Byskov will
February General Meeting – Thursday February 15 (doors open at 6:30 pm)
Caroline Trepanier, “The Design Coach”. The evening will feature Caroline’s achievements in her Montreal Design Business of 20 years, followed by some details of her past two years of travels & design work on the West Coast of British Columbia,
January General Meeting – Thursday January 18 (doors open at 7:00 pm)
Demonstration Evening & Wear What You Made Theme. A number of exciting volunteers have come forward to demonstrate their skills and are planning to demonstrate some very interesting and unique skills: Weaving: Using Your Handwoven Stash to Create Woven Gift
The Art of Creation, Making a Pattern and Sewing a Vest
March 4 to April 1, 2018 (If it is necessary to cancel any class, there may be a make-up date on April 15th.) Three Sunday afternoons – 1:00 pm to 5:00pm Number of Students: minimum 4, maximum 6 Caroline Trepanier,
Introduction to Loom Weaving – January 2018 (Full)
January 21st to February 18th, 2018 This class is now full. (with the possibility of snow, there may be a make-up date on February 25th) Five Sunday afternoons – 1:00 pm to 5:00pm Number of Students: minimum 3, maximum 6
November General Meeting – Thursday November 19 (doors open at 7:00 pm)
Carey Pallister, Archivist, Sisters of St. Ann Archives, British Columbia will discuss the historical importance of fibre arts education in the lives of their students. Displays from their extensive textile collection will be available
October Drop-in: October 31, 2017 (7pm-9pm)
Since Drop In night is actually Hallowe’en night, be prepared to see some of us in costume (and feel free to join in)
October General Meeting – Thursday October 19 (doors open at 7:00 pm)
ANWG 2017 Theme. Speakers are the four scholarship recipients and Show & Tell will feature fibre projects by fibre enthusiasts who attended ANWG classes.