7-9 pm March 21, 2023 The Guild’s 89th birthday party will include: skill building demos, stash-busting tables and show and tell. Thank you to the following people who have offered to do demonstrations for us: Michelle Sterk – DIY silk
Beginning Spinning Workshop
Date: April 8th, 15th and 22nd from 1:30pm to 4:30 pm Location: Brentwood Bay Cost: $150 for Guild members and $190 for non-Guild members. Wheels may be available for the workshop, if you are a Guild member you can also
February Guild Meeting – Vanessa Bjerreskov – Feb 21, 7pm
Our speaker will be Vanessa Bjerreskov on the topic of Yarn Construction for Fibre Artists What makes certain yarns better for certain projects? Why do a perfectly lovely yarn and a great pattern sometimes just not work out? Yarn construction
Upcoming Workshop – Introduction to Loom Weaving
April 29th ( not May 20th) to June 3rd , 2023* Five Saturday afternoons – 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm *A sixth class on June 10th may be added if necessary. Number of Students: Maximum 6, minimum 3 Workshop registration
Anna Hunter – presentation part 2 – Jan 24, 3pm
This will be the second part of our January program – a Zoom only presentation by Anna Hunter of Long Way Homestead. Members will receive the meeting link by email shortly before the presentation.
(FULL) Workshop – Yarn Construction for Spinners by Vanessa Bjerreskov
Date: March 11th /23. Workshop will be a full day, you will need to bring your lunch and drinks. Register no later than Feb 15/23 Register here Number of participants: 8-10 spinners Cost: $120/person for VHWSG members OR $160/person for
January Guild Meeting – Anna Hunter of Long Way Homestead – on Zoom – Jan 17
Anna’s topic: Canadian Wool: Where we’ve been and where we’re going Historically Canada had a thriving wool industry that valued the work of shepherds and manufactured the wool that was grown. In the last 80 years production has moved to low-wage
In-Person Drop-In Evening – Now on Zoom – Nov 29, 7pm
UPDATE: On account of the weather we’ve decided to switch tonight’s drop-in to Zoom so that no-one has to deal with getting to the church or back home. We’ll try the carding theme again in January, because it will work
Upcoming workshops for 2023
There are several workshops in the works for the coming year. There will be a Beginners Weaving Workshop in the Spring with Raven teaching and Brenda as her assistant. If there is interest, another Beginner Spinning Workshop could also happen
November Guild Meeting – How to make an heirloom – November 15
Tuesday, November 15, Doors open 6:30 at St.Luke’s Church Hall, Cedar Hill X Road. November’s speaker will be Jane Hutchins. Her topic is “How to Make an Heirloom”. She will discuss how to preserve textile collections usually concern handling, display,